Fujikura Pro 2.0 50 Wood 0.335 Black/Silver
Shaft Performance Characteristics
The PRO Series is Fujikuras most popular, playable and easy-to-fit line of performance shafts. New for 2018, PRO 2.0 features a more effective loading zone to store more energy in the downswing which translates to more clubhead speed. Additionally, the torsional stiffness has been increased by 14% to produce greater overall shot control and lower spin compared to the original Pro. Its ideal for golfers of all skill levels, and available in Tour Spec for more aggressive swing tempos.
PRO 2.0 Technologies
40 TON Carbon Fiber
Maximum Carbon Fiber Content
Phantium Finish
Barang 100% baru Dan Original
Stok tersedia: harap kirim pesan untuk memastikan flex pilihan anda tersedia!
Note: Harap untuk kirim pesan terlebih dahulu untuk mengecek posisi stok, TERUTAMA stock untuk pilihan Flex anda dikarenakan system hanya memuat jumlah total dari Flex Regular dan Stiff.