Golfpride MCC Plus 4 Standard M60R. Grip Stick Golf pride Original
Ukuran Men Standard M60R Round.
Berat : 52 Gram
panjang : 27 cm
Harga untuk per 1 pcs.
Barang 100% baru Dan Dijamin Original. Harap berhati hati dengan Golfpride harga murah yg tidak masuk akal. Karena tidak mungkin harga jual mereka di online bisa lebih murah dari harga Pabrik golfpride jual wholesale!!! Dapat dipastikan itu barang KW.
The larger outside diameter simulates the feel of building up the grip with four extra wraps. This reduced taper encourages lighter grip pressure, promoting less tension in the hands and creating more fluidity and power throughout the swing.
Our exclusive Brushed Cotton Cord fuses moisture-wicking cotton fibers into a new soft rubber material for added stability in any condition.
Engineered for softer feel and strategically placed for high traction. A soft micro-texture increases traction and comfort, while texture placement is ideal for maximum hand coverage.
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